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 Getting Tickets for the Events

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Jennifer The Book Nympho
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PostSubject: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 2:50 pm

I want to say I'm so excited for all the different events at this years AAD, but getting the tickets for them has been a very disappointing venture. I get why there has to be limits on some of the events (believe me I do), but I just have to think there should have been a better way of getting the tickets. The events are selling out so quickly that it really doesn't give everyone a good shot of getting one. I know a friend really wanted to go to the Frost/Palmer party, but since she had to work, there was no way she would have been able to try for a ticket. Thankfully, she was able to get on the wait list and ended up with a ticket, but I can't imagine she's the only one who has had this problem.

I just think, that maybe with the low attendence partys (20 people and under), it may have been better to do a contest or lottery for those tickets so that anyone, regardless of when they could get on, would have the chance for the ticket.

I ended up with the one ticket I wanted, but I keep seeing comments from people who haven't been able to get the tickets they wanted (or any) or that the event has sold out during the time that it takes to refresh the page, that I just wanted to say something.

What has everyone else thought about the process to get tickets to the event?

Also, is there a reason why the tickets couldn't have gone up closer to August? It just seems weird to get tickets for an event that is still six months out.
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 3:00 pm

Can I also say that I dislike that EventBrite isn't showing which tickets have already been requested? My son had his 5th birthday party yesterday, so trying to remember which tickets I've gotten and getting the house ready for 30+ has exhausted my poor little mind. *grin*

I know I've unintentionally requested more than one ticket, but I just wish the system would have said "oh, you've already requested that ticket" blah blah blah especially since we're only able to request one ticket.
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Jennifer The Book Nympho

Jennifer The Book Nympho

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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 5:35 pm

It's going to happen when there are 400 people attending and they are trying to get 10/20/75 tickets. It's just a crap shot really. You just have to hope you are the fasted on the click. LOL
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 6:27 pm

That's what I'm talking about though. There's 400 people going and some events only have 10 or 20 tickets? If you have to work on the day they go up, then it really isn't a "who's faster" thing, you're just out of luck.

The events with 75+, the who's fastest works because they won't sell out within seconds. It was the events that were 20 or less that I was referring to. It just doesn't seem fair to those who can't rearrange their life in order to stalk the site for tickets.

I'm probably overthinking it; which I tend to do a lot of. *grin*
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 11:55 pm

I think they made it as fair as they could, given the limited number of tickets available for the small group outings. They waited until the event was essentially sold out, they spread out when tickets would be available, and they told everyone when the tickets would be released. I know that some tickets were released at times when I had other commitments, so I tried to get on my phone at a children's birthday party. I was not fast enough, but I was fast enough for other things.

I think no matter what they had done, there would be many unhappy because they have 400 attendees for events that allow 10 (or 4). They were aware of that and did the best that was available. A lottery would have been as random as the luck of a quick computer connection or having to work.
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 12:57 am

Please remember a few things:

1. THE AUTHORS were the ones that imposed the caps. If you have a problem with it, take it up with them. I didn't impose them, nor did AAD suggest it. They did what was comfortable for THEM and that should be accepted by the readers, plain and simple.

2. Events are not CHEAP, and the hotel, while we have negotiated good rates for everything, NEVER LOWERS FOOD PRICES. Because of this, authors had to cap at where they could PAY FOR.

Thank you Amanda, for acknowledging the fact that I tried VERY HARD to make it as fair as possible. the truth of the matter is that people are going to whine when they don't get their way, women worst of all... And I'm guilty of it myself, so I cant fault people. Your right, it does suck that they limited things, and that so many people feel that they got the shaft... BUT....

AAD is MORE then a 2 hour walk around NOLA with an author. You get MORE outta the event by NOT doing the field trips. Doing them, your going to miss 30% of the books, guaranteed, a good amount of the promo, goodies and probably a LOT of the prizes that we do through the event. The Field trips are NOT the be all end all of the event, and I know that those that are going on the field trips will be bitching because they missed books/ goodies/prizes/ etc. You cant have it both ways.

You WILL be able to see all the authors around the event, at meals, in the halls, etc. they will NOT be hiding from you, and they are all eager to hangout and meet you. This is not like RT where authors hide in their rooms with their selected entourage. AAD authors WANT to meet you, so please remember that when you are upset. there are OTHER OPPORTUNITIES through the entire time the con is going on. The Majority of the authors hangout in the courtyards, the common rooms (Sitting Salon's in NOLA) and the pool area. YOU ARE NOT GETTING SHAFTED.

Because of the way the attendees were handling this, how they were acting, the insane amount of threats, Snarky comments, accusations, questions that were just veiled attempts at being sneaky to circumvent the system, I have decided to not do anything special like this for Savannah. its safer and keeps my stress and headaches to a minimum to just have the evening parties, panels, lunches, Bookies, and odd "full con" reception then to try this again. Ill probably double up on panels and readings for Savannah, and have designated common areas around the hotel so people wont feel slighted. Shame too, because we had some awesome ideas, but after this, its clear it wont work.

We tried something new, and its obvious its not working out how we had hoped it would, because we didn't take people's nature into account, and expected there to be less drama because the opportunities for the event itself were so vast. Clearly people didn't understand that, or didn't read the schedule to see there's TONS of other things going on at the con.

to address other things:

Eventbrite: when doing a multi ticket list, they have issues with wait lists. I have done my best to fix it. And if you have questions about WHAT YOU HAVE you can email me (Which I'm happy to answer).

The reason why tickets went up this early is because we sold out this early. Authors need to know so they can PLAN for everything, by way of promo, for the parties, Prizes if they are doing them, and in some cases ARC's from their publisher because they only get a set number. There REALLY is a method to my madness here, and I have been setting up conventions and other events (I used to be a tour manager for some Major US bands ) for over 8 years so I know what I am doing.

On a personal note I set everything up early because I'M GETTING MARRIED IN OCTOBER. I don't know how many of you have tried to set up a wedding without a wedding planner on a shoestring budget while being the sole person organizing a convention, but it is not easy. The earlier I get things done the better it is for ME and really, at this point in the game, easier for Stella is the name of the game. If I had to deal with this insanity closer to my wedding while I'm ass deep in convention season (Which I'm slated for 6 others this year because i AM an author first and foremost) I would just say fuck it... and I don't want to do that. I think people forget that while I do run the con, I have a VERY busy life that is not just writing and taking care of this con.

So that's where I am coming from on all this, and to those of you that have understood the situation without me spelling it out to you, thank you. this weekend has been one of complete insanity, one I had hoped would go much smoother. Live and learn though, and AAD NOLA will be wonderful, regardless of the issues... that I can promise you.
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 1:09 am

And Jackie:

YOu have 2 field trips 1 of the limited parties...

I would say you did pretty well.

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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 1:49 am

I wasn't complaining! *grin* I get everything you said, but I've been hearing a lot of the comments as well and was just throwing something out. I figured the authors had put the caps on and the reasons makes sense. I never doubted that. I know you're working hard on putting together NOLA as well as Savannah, but I'd heard you were receptive to ideas for Savannah, so again, I was just putting something out there to consider.

That is insane that people have been taking this whole ticket thing to such an extreme. They're freaking events; go find the author in your off time. I can't believe that. I can see people being disappointed, but being snarky and sending threats? Really? That's kind of childish. If you know of someone who is that gung-ho about the Adrian Phoenix trip, they can have my ticket. The stops sounded interesting, but damn I can go on my own if I have to if someone is that obsessive over it.

The party was the only thing I wanted to go to; but I had a friend who fell into the couldn't rearrange her life category, so I got the VooDoo field trip for her.

That's sad that AAD won't be doing anything like the field trips in Savannah. I haven't been (or to NOLA) and was using the field trips as suggestions for where I should try and see while I'm there. Going with an author would be fun, but going on my own means no schedule.
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 10:29 am

Well A few bad apples ruined the entire bunch. I dont think people understand how HARD it it to put something of this size and caliber on, and the pettiness is not needed.

But Savannah will be awesome regardless, and I know everyone will have a good time.
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 12:35 pm

Each year the event grows and changes. One of the awesome things about Authors After Dark is that Stella tries new venues, takes suggestions and works her ass off to ensue everyone has a fantastic time. The field trips were an add on this year to the event and are NOT intended to replace going to the convention. Last year there were two ghost tours and neither filled, in fact, they almost did not have enough people to do the tours. A prison tour was canceled, if I recall, due to lack of interest.

Though the popularity of the field trips was expected, the negative response was not. This convention not only represents authors but with a large networking community it also reflects on bloggers and those in the industry. I feel terrible for the authors who offered such unique opportunities but must now feel horrible because they could not accommodate everyone.

I can assure anyone who did not get tickets that there will be more than enough entertainment at Authors After Dark to keep you busy. As you meet and greet authors you may also find yourself on a spontaneous lunch trip, dinner or bar hop with the authors you love. Or just shooting the breeze while getting some fresh air.

I adore Stella and Authors After Dark and live by "life is what you make it". Field trips or not this year and next will be extraordinary. I am so thankful that Stella talked me into going in 2010, let me come back in 2011 and has embraced me as staff for 2012. If anyone has questions or concerns about the event please feel free to ask me of the other staff members.

The staff is dedicated to the convention, authors and attendees and although we cannot please everyone at all times, we certainly do our best to make concessions when needed.
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 12:43 pm

intensewhisper wrote:
Each year the event grows and changes. One of the awesome things about Authors After Dark is that Stella tries new venues, takes suggestions and works her ass off to ensue everyone has a fantastic time. The field trips were an add on this year to the event and are NOT intended to replace going to the convention. Last year there were two ghost tours and neither filled, in fact, they almost did not have enough people to do the tours. A prison tour was canceled, if I recall, due to lack of interest.

Though the popularity of the field trips was expected, the negative response was not. This convention not only represents authors but with a large networking community it also reflects on bloggers and those in the industry. I feel terrible for the authors who offered such unique opportunities but must now feel horrible because they could not accommodate everyone.

I can assure anyone who did not get tickets that there will be more than enough entertainment at Authors After Dark to keep you busy. As you meet and greet authors you may also find yourself on a spontaneous lunch trip, dinner or bar hop with the authors you love. Or just shooting the breeze while getting some fresh air.

I adore Stella and Authors After Dark and live by "life is what you make it". Field trips or not this year and next will be extraordinary. I am so thankful that Stella talked me into going in 2010, let me come back in 2011 and has embraced me as staff for 2012. If anyone has questions or concerns about the event please feel free to ask me of the other staff members.

The staff is dedicated to the convention, authors and attendees and although we cannot please everyone at all times, we certainly do our best to make concessions when needed.

Amen, sister! It was really easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of excitement/stress of trying to get in to a limited event, but in the end, it's gonna be awesome regardless! I mean look at that schedule!!

We didn't have field trips in Philly and it was so much fun, for exactly the reasons you and Stella have provided. It's why I signed up immediately to return this year. Most of the time I got to spend with the authors was completely unplanned and random, chatting with them informally at dinner or running in to them on an elevator. It was so cool and that was the spirit of AAD that charmed me.

Thanks for reminding us to keep things in perspective, I need the reminder every once in while, in general Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 12:53 pm

Thank you Spaz!!! I am so thrilled you enjoyed yourself and are returning again this year!

I love stalking the elevators at the convention. My first year I ended up leaving on a bus to the airport with Jennifer Armintrout. Whom I adore. Me and Jodie spent 30 private minutes chatting and hanging with her while going from bus to train to plane.

It's often the unexpected chill time that ends up bringing the best memories Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 1:46 pm

Stella I know I have said it before, but again I really do appreciate that you put so much hard work into this. Although event-bright did screw me somehow and dropped me off of a list LOL, the bottom line is OH WELL there are all kinds of awesome stuff going on. Plus some things me and the girls might shuffle around and we might go see things we would not have thought to go to before! I am just excited to get out of house away from baseball, scouts, kids birthday partys etc..and be in freakin NEW ORLEANS hanging out with the authors that ...lets face it...make my life better by giving me wonderfully sexy men to read about, new worlds to imaging, and kick ass bitches that well......kick ass!! So my whole thing what if you didnt get the ticket you wanted. Make the best of the fact that you are at the awesome con with awesome writers and just stop complaining! (Not to anyone here ... just other venues where i have been hearing some whining and
Also Stella - CONGRADULATIONS on getting hitched cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 11:26 pm

I had a fabulous time in Philly even though I was clueless about many of the events and just sort of stumbled into rooms (with the hotel mixups, I would usually just stick with whatever panel I'd happen upon and that was part of the fun). There was always something to do and that was without all the field trips.
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Jennifer The Book Nympho

Jennifer The Book Nympho

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Getting Tickets for the Events Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 9:42 pm

No matter what, you can't please everyone.

I'm happy with how things are being handled. I can't wait for August.

And the only real reason I wanted to go on a FT was because I don't know anything about NOLA and thought it would be fun.
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Doctor Charley

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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyWed Mar 07, 2012 2:03 am

The way I look at it, Stella is doing an awesome job to ensure the authors will be there, the readers will be there, and we'll all mingle at the opening, in workshops, while eatting and so on.

Personally, I'm arriving early (August 5) to take advantage of the city and relax before the conference starts.

I'm also planning a few sightseeing trips of my own to just go out and explore while I wait for the conference to start and during the conference when there's nothing I want to attend. (Well, ok I want to attend everything and sightsee and meet everyone.).

So my suggestion to everyone is: make new friends, mingle, and explore New Orleans with others or alone.

As for me, I plan to do the Vampire Tour a few days early ---Did it 3 years ago and it was such fun. Plus there's a gorgeous tour guide that makes me think I'm walking with a Vampire. *grins*

And I'm planning to go to the BDSM club they have in New Orleans and explore D/s Cajun style. *big grins*

If anyone wants to join me, wants to BS, or just wants to have fun and walk around the city while we wait for the conference to start or want to explore during the conference, please let me know. I'm friendly and only bite on Tuesdays and days that end in "Y".

Thanks Stella for putting this event together and getting such great rates for the hotel.

Live with passion,

Doctor Charley

Dr. Charley Ferrer: Clinical Sexologist, TV/Radio Host & Producer, Award Winning Author


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PostSubject: Re: Getting Tickets for the Events   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptyThu Mar 08, 2012 6:35 pm

I also plan on arriving early, and staying an extra day to take advantage of my "vacation". I've always been the type to wander aimlessly. That is when you discover some of the most interesting things. Exploring at a leisurely pace, meeting new people is one of the things I really enjoy about the south.
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PostSubject: problems? what problem?   Getting Tickets for the Events EmptySat Mar 10, 2012 12:42 am

Okay- so evidently i was totally oblivious to any problems- Embarassed

I thought the set up was great- I had a schedule of all the different events- compared with all the panels and the info on each- plus the times different things would be available- I kept it with me that weekend-yah i didn't get any of the author ones- although I think I'm on the list for a paid tour- (my schedule is in my calendar)- but the tickets for the 150 events and stuff like that lasted up there for days-I was thrilled with the entire process and so looking forward to the entire thing-

I love that my schedule is all set and I know what costumes I need to make/bring-I took a few of the large limited events so I guess i could give something up if there is a real need- Stella please let me know-when ever you get a chance-

Thanks again for this great event-and hopefully we can all have an Incredible time making memories Very Happy

Last edited by lestopath on Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)
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